OK -- here it comes .......... I am 40 years old (as of the morning of April 26, 2010).
And -- I feel GREAT! So much goodness received from from friends and family far and near. Feeling gracious and happy to my core.

Started out the celebration with a work party over the weekend at The Hill with family and friends. We got together to get the homestead in "welcoming" condition for my folks who are coming home from their tropical winter away. And - we got together to have a good time, eat good food, play in the woods in the sunshine, sit around a big campfire, laugh and tell stories, and just be together. Today the Hill is shining from our attentions and the bright lushness of the season.
Taking a break on the deck

Let the Wild-Rumpus continue -----> celebrating 40 is going to last all year!