It has been over a year since I have posted. One would think that this meant a boring year had passed…but alas…that’s not the case.
Early in the morning on January 1, 2012 I sat on a charming bench of hand-placed stones wrapped in a blanket drinking tea. I was watching yet another beautiful sunrise over the Sea of Cortez. My friend that had made both the tea and the bench had already left for work in near-by Los Barriles, Baja and I sat thinking of how it was I came to be there in that place. So many changes, so many shifts, so much personal growth, so many hurtles and hardships, so many fulfilling moments, so much …. all wrapped up into one year. And from what I have witnessed of other’s paths this seems to have been a big year of change for many.
To try and cover such a year in one blog post would be a ridiculous endeavor. So here’s a few snap-shots …. You’ll have to fill in the blanks and/or ask questions after reading.
Jan -- After a fellowship-funded stint in Costa Rica setting up my PhD research project and studying Spanish I returned to my full life in Eugene and school at the University of Oregon. And New Years Day 2011 at the Oregon Coast – for one of the most beautiful days of the year.
March – Between winter and spring terms at the UO I took a quick trip back to Costa Rica to gather up data for my PhD research and visit family on the Caribe.
April–June – Finished the course requirements for the PhD and taught a field course on watershed restoration at the UO. In late May -- after a good run (21 years) Steve and I mutually decided to separate.
July – I moved north for a summer job and Steve stayed in our Eugene house. My summer job at InterFluve Inc had me working on beautiful rivers in the north Cascades and living out of the town of Hood River along the Columbia River Gorge with incredible friends. This was a summer of a lifetime! Rivers, mountains, big trees, dear friends, good job,,,,,what more could I have asked for?
September – Steve moved to a beautiful 20 acre farm that he bought over the summer with his mom. This place is a dream come true for him. I moved back into our place in Eugene and started the school term off at the University. I also had to shift the house up and start the search for housemates to help cover the mortgage.
November – My first new housemate moved in….and he is AWESOME! Thanksgiving at the hill with family was warm and soul-filling.
December – 3 weeks in Baja, Mexico were spent house sitting a sweet little home overlooking the Sea of Cortez just outside of the small town of Los Barriles. While there I spent much of my day time prepping for my doctoral comprehensive exams. In addition to the “work” side of this trip I also spent time with a darling friend that lives/works there at Vela during the winter. He showed me some of the beauty of the area and introduced me to a slew of interesting folks. Most days I also soaked up beautiful sunrises, the rich blue
blue blue color of the sea, some trail time in the hills, and good food. A damn nice way to close out 2011 and to begin 2012…..and that’s how I came to be on that rock bench I mentioned earlier
The goods:
- Steve and I remain dear friends – no it’s more than that, we remain true family. I am very proud of and grateful for this.
- Over this year of copious change I have felt the support from an incredible set of family and friends. For this I am eternally grateful.
- Living “now” highly increases the potential of finding something I seek daily --- joy.
- Time must be granted for all things to evolve and be.
- 1, 2, 3, - JUMP!
- Now, at age 41, I have started dating for the first time in 21 years. I predict a lot of laughable “oooops” moments to occur. I am officially taking hints and advice on how this whole dating thing works.
Who could guess how this next year will role out.
My second new housemate just moved in……and she is also AWESOME.
I am currently focusing on starting my doctoral comprehensive exams on Monday (February 6th). The written exam is 6 weeks long (done on March 19th) and then a few weeks later I take the oral exam.
After that – I’ll need to complete 4-6 months of field work in Costa Rica and then write up my dissertation. Fingers crossed I get grant funding and it falls into place. STAY TUNED.