Family --- Birthday party at The Hill for Griffin Lind (4) and Micheal Murphy (51) on Saturday/Sunday (Aug 16-17).
Along with loads of yummy food, kid play, fire dancing, and camping over,,,,,,,,we also had a visit from some old friends.
Including Lew Barkley -- a resident of The Hill when I was just a little girl -- stopped by on a road trip up the west coast. Along way from his farm in Michigan but also a bit like coming home. Quite a treat!
Lew Barkley and Pollyanna Lind -- The HILL
Adventure -- Monday-Wednesday (Aug 18-20) my younger bro (Gabby), our friend Aaron, and I loaded up our backpacks and headed into the Bull of the Woods Wilderness for a few days. Hiked in on the trail from Elk Lake for a few miles then did our usual -- hopped off trail to find a camp site and then spent our days using the creek beds that cut through the steep forested mountains as our pathways to explore. Old growth Cathedral forests, Bedrock pools of aqua blue and an 80 foot waterfall in the middle of it all were our rewards.
It rained like crazy our last night and day. Got home soaked and happy.
Aaron Varela, Gabby Lind, Pollyanna Lind --
soaked in the rainforest of Bull of the Woods Wilderness
Yesterday and Today are all about getting ready to head back out to the Middle Fork John Day for our last 12 day stint of field work for the season. No guarantee that I'll have internet access this time around in the MFJD..........if yes, you'll hear from me........if no, the blog will be updated upon my return.