10 days in the Bay Area for the American Geophysical Union annual meeting in San Francisco, CA. It's an amazing conference filled with all sorts of other geo-geeks like me.
In addition to the conference, I was able to connected with a couple of very dear old friends. All in all -- a good trip!
Greggor and me at Coit tower.
Visited John and Chris up in Occidental, CA at their home in the redwoods. FANTASTIC biz....
December holiday festivities in Oregon included copious amounts of food and several opportunities to gather with family.
New Years Eve passed with a small group of fantastic people at the home of my precious friend Neil B.
Then -------- winter term at the University of Oregon began...........limiting my "getting" out activities.
It is an El Nino year. Here in the Pacific NW this gives us a strange mix of cold days and much less percipitation than normal. This means that my bike commute has been tolerable all winter long --- but our mountains are starving for snow pack. This will impact the rivers that these mountains feed this coming summer.
Steve took a well deserved and greatly needed three week trip to Costa Rica.
I prep for and attended the week long Klamath Basin Science Conference in southern Oregon. I was quite impressed by the size and content of the conference. My thesis work on early Holocene floods and subsequent floodplain development in the upper-basin (Sycan and Sprague Rivers) was presented. Felt good to have the research be useful to folks doing fish habitat restoration. The conference brought 500 people together that work from the headwaters of the Klamath Basin in south-central Oregon to the mouth of the Klamath River in northern California.
My fab friend Chris M. came from Colorado for the conference. This made for all sorts of much-needed fun girl time.
We all helped my brother Gabby and his family move into their new house in SE Eugene over Valentines weekend.
AND -- I began seeking!! CLARITY
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