My life here in Turrialba has been beautiful. I look very forward to the day I return.
Here are a few highlights from the last 30 days.
Views from where I live in Verbena (up the mountain from the town of Turrialba)
Annual cheese festival/fiesta in Santa Cruz/La Pastura, CR. Dancing, lots of singing, and good times. Santa Cruz is located above Verbena on the flanks of Volcan Turrialba -- where the country's famous cheeses are made.
Friends from my spanish language school
We had massive flooding in early December on the east side of the Talamancas. Many landslides, bridges out, and some people in the lowlands had flooding in their homes. The rivers raged and I loved it. Apparently we received 1/2 of the months average rain fall in just a couple of days.
This inspired a trek out to my study site on the Rio Pacuare two day after the flood waters started to recede ..... I wanted to see the changes that the flood created first thing. These rivers are wild and dynamic.
While GPSing in the head of the bar a boat of rafters went by with a friend from Oregon that spotted me sitting on the banks (small world).
Aunt Jo and Sue came for a visit. It was such fun to have them here. We went up to Santa Cruz to buy cheese from a local cheese maker, visited the Guayabo National Monument, quickly visited the CAITE Botanical Garden, tooled around Turrialba and had a lovely lunch with my Tico family in Verbena.
I then traveled with Jo and Sue back to Cahuita for a few days of rain, clouds, yoga, good food, and fantastic company.
Returned home from the Cahuita to a household of family and friends for an early cena de Navidad.
Life abounds here! everywhere you look
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