Arrived in Cahuita in the evening - Nov 5th: after three bus transfers and a lovely walk just after dusk along the Caribe Sea. Everyone there seems to be doing so well -- healthy, happy, and moving forward in their days. Refreshing.
Nov 6th: Attended a friend's b-day party in Cahuita ..... dressed up with flowers in our hair and ready to dance!
Nov 7-8th: yoga, food, secluded beach, daily visits to the property at the end of the road .... ahhhh
Nov 9th: made my way back to the mountains via 4 bus transfers on a warm beautiful day.
Nov 10-11th: PACUARE!!!!!! Traveled with my friend Brian (co-owner of river lodge) via 4x4 vehicle to his camp on the banks of the Pacuare. The camp is incredible. If you are ever in the country -- I highly recommend time on the Rio Pacuare and a night at this camp (Costa Rica Rios Lodge). It provides separate netted rooms with beds (all with great views of the river); showers, self generated hydro-electricity from a small creek next to the lodge; and a solar heated freshwater, self-flushing hot tub. It is located in the middle of the steep jungle with a massive forest reserve on the other side of the river and a beautiful waterfall just 15 minutes walk from the lodge.
The camp is located directly above a "perfect" boulder bar research site. And I spent the day GPSing and mapping out the bar. It's massive and offers a floodwater backchannel with sand deposits. PERFECT!
The next day I hiked out the 8 km from the river to a tiny pueblo (Santa Marta) to catch the bus back into Turriabla. The jungle dripped from the evening/night rains; countless birds; and magnificent views accompanied me up the road. The first 2km are very steep, muddy, and rutted ..... the rest of the way is definitely up-hill and muddy .... but in better condition.
TOTALLY INSPIRED by being on the river and locating a perfect research site.
Spent the remainder of the week catching up on Spanish homework; doing some geomorph reading; sorting my notes from the Pacuare; and spending some time with my CR family.
Angela and Nico (baby) left on Tuesday for the US. They are there with Nico's pappa and other family. Gerri (Angela's mom) and I missed them immediately.
Nov 15-19th: back in school at AEC. My Spanish is improving in tiny increments as we slog through the grammar and rules. I continued my morning jogs through the Botanical Gardens of CATIE each day before class. Only three other students here this week and two finished up on Friday.
Met with a watershed hydrologist from CATIE on Thursday afternoon. I will be meeting with other faculty next week (if all goes well -- nothing is ever for-sure in CR) tee hee. I'll need a faculty sponsor before going through the application process to affiliation myself with this institution. From what I have learned thus far, there are many benefits to affiliating my research through CATIE so I will continue to pursue this avenue.
Yesterday (Nov 19th) was so beautiful here in the mountains. It was the first hot and totally sunny day I have had here since arriving. Up on the side of the volcano where I live it was even sunny in the afternoon with early evening rains mixed with rainbows, blue sky, thunder, and a view of the fattening moon.
I wake up this Saturday morning contemplating my long list of to-dos against my desire to either take a kayak lesson or go back out to the banks of the Rio Pacuare .... just to be there.
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