Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Costa Rica: 24 Oct - 4 Nov

Heavy rains across the Pacific side have resulted in massive flooding. The geomorphologist in me is excited about the quantity of water and sediment that is moving. Footage is amazing. But the loss of life puts a grey shadow on it. In Turriabla where I am living there has been heavy rain, but no flooding.

I left off my last blog by announcing that I was spending the day rafting the Pacuare River.
For those that don't know -- this is the river I hope to do my PhD dissertation research on. The day was fantastic ........ and I was reminded why I want to study these rivers. Their dynamic nature and intense beauty make my soul happy happy happy.

Me -- in the Rio Pacuare

boulder/cobble bar (RB) -- size and composition variety - Rio Pacuare

Waterfall tributary-- Rio Pacuare

Class 2-4+ rapids on the Rio Pacuare (I'm front right .. photo taken by rafting company)

Oct 25-29 -- Spanish language classes. Geomorph reading.

Oct 26 -- zip line and waterfall repelling in the mountains near Turrialba.
Getting my "safety instructions"

Friend Nate coming into the platform on the zip-line

Getting soaked repelling 60 ft waterfall. This was SO FUN!!!!

Oct 31 -- Just a regular day here in CR ..... as they don't celebrate Hallow's Eve.

Nov 1 - Nov 4:
I have found a groove in my weekly routine. Up by 5:15am with the sunshine and the chorus of birds that seems to always greet the day (rain or shine). A quick breakfast with my Tia Gerri because I have to walk to my bus stop to catch a 6am bus into the town of Turrialba. At this time of day there are many school children and workers on the busses -- very enjoyable. Then I walk to my school about 3km south of town, switch into clothes and go for a run through the botanical gardens of CATIE. I take a shower at the school before classes begin (8-12:30). My bus back up the mountain leaves at 3pm -- this gives me time to eat lunch, walk into town, and do a few errands.
Homework and hang time with my tica family is how I generally fill my evenings.
Photos of my Turrialba life:

Angela (madre) and Nico (7 wks) at our casa.

Gerri (gramma) and Nico at our casa


Bench in the botanical garden at CATIE where I do homework.


Farmer's food market on Friday and Saturday near down town. One the most incredible food markets I have ever seen. This fertile valley with high elevation slopes near the Caribe produce almost everything under the sun.

Logging truck in downtown Turrialba. I have seen more than one of these trucks with huge trees on them.

Sunrise from the balcony of my bedroom -- looking across Turrialba valley towards Volcan Chirripo.

Downtown Turrialba on a clear morning. YES -- that "cloud" attached to the mountain in the background is steam and gas being emitted 24/7 from active Vocan Turrialba. My house is about 10 km up the volcanoe from this stop sign.

I have become quite attached to the town of Turrialba. There are no McDonalds or any such touristy influences here.

Heading to the Caribe coast for the weekend -- visit family. Stay tuned for more pictures soon.

1 comment:

Craig & Jacinda said...

What a beautiful place to do your research!