The weather has remained sunny. Here on the Caribe side of Costa Rica in the lowland rainforest it is a bit strange to have a couple of weeks with very little rain. Only twice in the evening this week have we had a short shower of soft giant raindrops. Not enough to really wet this green green green world.
For me this week has been my vacation. I have only made a couple of contacts related to my potential PhD work; an ELAW attorney and a hydrologist with ICE (the nation’s water and electric agency). And I have heaps of editing to contend with on my MS Thesis but have only put in a couple of days this week on that. Somehow it is easier to edit and write here ………. (note to self).
Otherwise, I have been visiting with family & friends (old and new), helping my family with projects (house painting, yard work, property clearing), and enjoying early morning runs and my aunt Jo’s evening yoga classes. At least one avocado a day and heaps of fresh fruit. Oh, and the sloths, kinkajus that grace us often, and especially the howler monkeys that make a racket out at our property daily.
Saskia & Sole'
Highlights from the week:
A day at the beach with the ladies. My mom (Penny), my aunt (Jo), my mother-in-law (Sue), and my cousin (Gayle) saved a day this past week just to be around each other in the beautiful setting of the south Caribe beaches. We all needed it – it was a true “day off.” We swam, talked, read, slept, and rested. The conversation weaved through our lives past and present with tones of both seriousness and laughter. We gave ourselves the entire day …. Topping it off with a delicious meal at one of my favorite eateries (Bread & Chocolate). It is quite a gift to be surrounded by such love from such fabulous women!

A day at the beach with the ladies. My mom (Penny), my aunt (Jo), my mother-in-law (Sue), and my cousin (Gayle) saved a day this past week just to be around each other in the beautiful setting of the south Caribe beaches. We all needed it – it was a true “day off.” We swam, talked, read, slept, and rested. The conversation weaved through our lives past and present with tones of both seriousness and laughter. We gave ourselves the entire day …. Topping it off with a delicious meal at one of my favorite eateries (Bread & Chocolate). It is quite a gift to be surrounded by such love from such fabulous women!
Snorkeling with dad (John) and cousin (Aaron) on our very good friend Fernando’s boat in Cahuita National Park. Lots of lovely fish here. The coral is still recovering from a massive earthquake about 12 years ago that up-lifted the coral (actually the tectonic shelf it is on) about 2 meters. There has been a lot of growth even though coral is sl
ow to establish. 
I only have ten more days in Costa Rica. I’ll try to make the most of it. Sadly, my camera has stopped functioning. I think it’s the battery. I’ll have to steal pics from others to keep the blog interesting.
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